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My First Level For This Hahaha

That's cool I fucking love it

I Found A Error:




action number 1

of Async Event: HTTP

for object obj_login:

Data structure with index does not exist.



called from - gml_Object_obj_login_Other_62 (line 7)

mine does not open


I love this so much, my only pet peeves are that there aren't any Bosses, Toppin' Monsters, or Pizza Portals. Other than that, 5 stars!

thats because this is based on an older version of pizza tower, WAY before the release. this was gonna be official but then got scrapped.

FUN FACT! its gonna be back soon.

If you have the game on steam, you can get cyop for an excellent level editor!!1

Though the level editor actually exists, you can place obj_solid, obj_slope, obj_cheeseslime and obj_forknight if i remember right

and also collectables i think

indigo park LOL


We need animatronics in the modded version pls its for shotgun

if you want the toppin monsters use the gamebanana/pizza oven version

it says when i try to download the modded version that its not available here pls help

can we get gerome

this is based on an older version of pizza tower and that version doesnt have gerome.

instead just use a key door ig

(1 edit)

If you have a question like 'HOW TO MAKE LAP 2 ?'' . It will be like a kind of guide or whatever you call it . ( Lap 2 is better to do after you have done the level itself )

First make 2 rooms (the first next to the entrance and the second with John)

The first room : just a room without any toppins and so on .

Second room : there should be a rectangular room ( make it so that 3 huge pizzas fit there ) And make a tunnel, it is better to make an entrance somewhere on the side so that the player cannot break into this room

And connect them with teleports ( not boxes , but round portals )

Everything is ready !


 you do wanna change peppino skin color to become your favorite peppino just press c and down arrow to change skin!. 

soon they will add noise how to choose noise as peppino when in menu press z and then it will have the noise. if you want to choose the noise in  editor just press c and down arrow in the future!. bye!

bro this isn't getting updates anymore


how made a secret room

either use a teleporter for a later looking secret, or just use different rooms for more old styled secrets. for the music use the background and music trigger for both leaving and entering.

где полная версия

how do i delete my ptlv level :[ i cant put more levels! does it haves a version that it can delete ptlv levels?

press the start key on your keyboard and r at the same time, then type %appdata% and click enter, then go to local and find "PizzaTowerGM2", if you have cyop for the pirated version of pizza tower, your screwed, then go to levels, then right click the level you want deleted and click delete lmao



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Is on the menu After You start

i figured it out

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it worked?


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thank you

press z

how jump

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Keyboard: Z

Controller: 🅰️

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how i use add the gun in v3

EDIT: i changed to the last version and i learned how to add the gun

Deleted 109 days ago
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I found a form:

-click in the enemy spawner and found that says shotgun

HOW to mod 

you need to progress with sniffer

loop it plz

wow 10/10

yooo i didn't realized this has 16k downloads, that is cool

(1 edit)


I need help, how do i remove cameras ;-;. Respond quickly!


go to the camera section and delete it like you would anything else, silly billy

thx bro, respect

my level: Pizza Pizza Delivery Club. what its based off of: DDLC


No But I Suggest Looking At Pizza Lovers account

lol im blocky and pizza lover irl


This is epic! 10\10!


I Wish Its Will Be Update


me the too

(1 edit)

No NoiseXD

You actually can play as him and some demos by body slamming after the character Select where you can kind of see a present

you can also do it on the modded v4.5 version!

yeah they definitly will not update and put noise on :[

How Do I Put My Level To My Game

the servers aren't working so we need to wait :((((

no they were shut down :((


that im can,t join onilne pizza tower

because the servers are down

i just want to get the newest version but the old one is perfect

(1 edit)

there is a mod from gamebanana thats is an level editor but on newest version

It's called "Create your own Pizza" I'm pretty sure

i use it all the time actually


my laptop cant open appdata can you help me?

Are you on windows?

right click the windows icon on the bottom left, click "Run", type appdata, and press ok. it should be in the local folder.

alternative way to go to appdata is to press windows and R at the same time and type in %appdata% and then press okay

why i cant sign up

servers are down and most likely wont be up forever );););

except someone makes a revival project

What do you mean?

create your own pizza

It’s all fun n games until the official level editor releases

yo this is my first time having a account



Sup bro B)


sup my man


can you give the newest version {I know there is a mod but I have pirated versions} ];

you can still get the mod, would you want me to tell you how?

already told them

mods work with pirated versions, just use delta patcher instead of pizza oven

theres a easier way to do it. step 1: go to THENOISE2`s account. step 2:go to his 8th project. step 3: download Pizza step 4: have fun making levels

it dont work

heres this version


aw man, the online doesnt work :(

no noise but you can place a pizza box next to the exit but only put it on the right.

keep ground pounding until the present on the menu explodes. ( may take awhile )

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